Meet Steve...

Steve popped into the Hub in December 2023, on the off chance asking for support. Steve spoke to reception and said, “I am not sure if you can help me, but I retired a couple of years ago and would like to see if there are any jobs I could do”.

If you didn’t already know, the Hub is available to support people in taking their next step of their career. You could be employed, unemployed, a student or recently retired. We are here to help ANYONE who wants to achieve their dream job!

Steve registered his details with the hub and was invited back in for chat in early January 2024. Steve had worked for most of his career as a document controller in the Manufacturing industry but wanted to see what else he does for work, as retirement just wasn’t for him.

Before working in the Manufacturing industry, Steve did a brief stint covering local schools as a Sports Leader, a role he thoroughly enjoyed. This led to discussions with Steve about potential part time roles that he could do in schools. Steve was supported to create a new CV and carried out some fact finding on roles in Schools. Due to Steve’s document Controller background, we discussed the role of an Exam Invigilator and the similarities to his previous experience.

As it had been 40 years since Steve had worked in a school environment, he enrolled on to the Preparing to Work in Education Course at the Hub. Steve learnt some valuables skills in what it would be like to work in a school including Safeguarding and Codes of Practice etc. Whilst Steve was on programme, we found a couple of vacancies to apply for in a few local schools. As this was all very new to Steve, he was supported with his application form and subsequently got an interview to follow!

Steve started work as an Exam Invigilator in February 2024 – just 2 months after asking for our help. Steve is loving his new role and happy to be utilising his skills to help young people in the Tees Valley. Amazing!